Cheap Easy Meals

Winter is Coming! Sometimes Backward to Move Forward, Always

Farm labor shortages, localized food surpluses and rationing of many types of food; sound familliar? This has again dovetailed to heighten the importance of nutrition programs and proper food storage to the war on…this time…viruses.

Why a Zero-Waste Kitchen Makes Sense

You don’t like to waste food and all those scraps, leftovers and forgotten containers in the back of the fridge really add up. Too much month and too little food? You may be surprised how a few simple changes could easily make your food last longer, stretch your budget and save the landfill.

Make Your Food Last Longer

It only takes a little planning and strategy to make the food in your pantry and refrigerator/freezer exceed what you currently consider to be it’s full capacity. With a little online research, you can make your fresh produce last for several months.

Cut Your Grocery Bill

Reducing waste also stretches your food budget. Planning your meals and being creative with your leftovers can stretch your food dollar while canning, dehydrating and freezing fruits and vegetables can lead to fully stocked shelves all year long.

While the concept of zero waste, rejecting plastic and other excess packaging, has grown more popular it has shifted focus away from the roughly 133 billion pounds of food waste each year. A zero waste kitchen makes your food last through the end of the month at no additional cost and can be done in small steps.

Think progress, not perfection. We have three meals a day. That’s three opportunities to choose food healthier for us and for the planet.

Yeah, heard it before you say? I have little food at home. No money to buy ingredients or time for meal planning. With ingredients I don’t know what to make. With more money I don’t know what to buy. With more time I don’t know which recipes to make. Where’s that leave me? Nowhere that’s where. Familiar?

Select one of these recipe sites and list ingredients you have. When easy recipes call for additional ingredients, buy when it’s in your budget. Remember, least expensive, most versatile, ingredients first to master the basics

Aw S.N.A.P.! This All Sounds Great but How Do I Do It on $4/Day?

Cheap Easy Food Pantry Meals System
Tried-and-True Since WWII

Know Someone Who May Be Hungry?

CLICK to share the below flier on Facebook and provide $3000+ in food per family every year. Sound too good to be true?

Each family receives a cart full of healthy choice food ($125+ Value).

This adds $250 to their monthly food budget for a total of $3000/yr. and only costs two seconds of your time to
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